Major Nelson: Xbox One “Has Been in Development for Years”

Production hasn't been rushed, despite some concerns.

Director of Programming for Xbox live Larry “Major Nelson” Hyrb recently took to Reddit in response to concerns about the upcoming Xbox One’s development being rushed, which he clarified wasn’t true at all.

Commenting on Reddit, Hyrb stated that, “The Xbox One program has been in development for years, so calling it ‘Rushed’ is incorrect. Did we have a few challenges between May and August? Sure. But we are working on our own schedule – not any one else’s. At Gamescom, every game in the Xbox booth was running on final Xbox One hardware. Every. Single. One. That would paint a very different take on the being ‘rushed.’”

So there won’t be anything akin to the Xbox 360, which was rushed out and suffered from the Red Ring of Death that crippled consoles. The Xbox One will be launching this November, but a clear-cut release date hasn’t been announced yet. Stay tuned for more details.

industryMajor NelsonMicrosoftXbox One