Manhunt invades PSN for PS3 Next Week

Manhunt - the PS2 Classic returns to PS3 via PS Store update next week

Rockstar’s controversy-courting PS2 classic hit is coming to PS3 via PSN. Manhunt will be released on May 14th in North America and May 15th in Europe as a part of the weekly PS Store update. Rockstar already has some PS2 classics up on PS Store, however, Manhunt will be arriving shortly to join the club.

Manhunt was originally released for the PlayStation on November 19th in 2003. In Manhunt, you played as a Death Row inmate James Earl Cash. The game featured stealth as the main mechanic and brutal assassinations that led to a controversy.

For those of you who need a refresher on what Manhunt was or if you never played the original then check out the trailer below:

Let us know if you’re excited to play Manhunt on your PlayStation 3 in the comments below. Check back on GamingBolt for future PSN Store updates.

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