Marvel’s Iron Man VR Has Gone Gold

Camouflaj wraps up development on the VR title.

Camouflaj and Sony’s upcoming Marvel’s Iron Man VR is going to be a game to look out for, not only because it attempts to capture the power fantasy of literally flying around like Iron Man, or because it’s promising to deliver a full-featured story-driven adventure, but because it’s going to try and do all that while being VR exclusive game.

And though there were a few bumps along the way that led to a couple of delays, it seems the game has now entered the final stretch before launch. Developers Camouflaj recently took to Twitter to announce that Marvel’s Iron Man VR has gone gold- which means primary development has wrapped up and the game is ready to be shipped out. Any work done on the game from this point forth will come via post-launch (or day one) patches.

Marvel’s Iron Man VR is out for PlayStation VR on July 3. A demo of the game is also currently available on the PS Store, in case you want to try it out.

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