Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Was Meant to be Single Player-Only “From Day One” – Director

Though the open world title will feature two playable characters, developer Insomniac never intended to make a co-op experience.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is set to feature both Peter Parker and Miles Morales as playable character, and pretty much since the day that was confirmed along with the game’s announcement a couple of years ago, many have wondered whether the game will feature a co-op option. Of course, developer has reiterated on a couple of occasions that the superhero sequel is set to be an exclusively single player game, and that’s something that was decided at the outset of development.

Speaking recently to The Washington PostMarvel’s Spider-Man 2 creative director Bryan Intihar said that Insomniac envisioned the game as a single player-only title “from day one”, and that adding a co-op option was never really on the table.

“From day one, we always said we wanted to make a single-player experience,” he said. “There’s a lot of great co-op games out there, but we wanted to tell the experience of two spider heroes. You have to make some big decisions, whether it’s design decisions, tech decisions for something like co-op.”

It’s been confirmed that players will be able to switch freely between Peter and Miles when swinging about in the open world, while the open world itself is set to be twice as large as the one seen in the first two games, with Queens and Brooklyn also being featured in addition to Manhattan.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is set to launch this Fall for the PS5. Check out its recent gameplay reveal through here.

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