Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Will Launch in Fall 2023, According to Writer

Writer Jamie Mayer's now-edited personal website mentioned a Fall 2023 release for Insomniac's superhero sequel.

The lack of any updates on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 since its announcement over a years ago has led to plenty of restlessness among the fans, but recent days have brought some (seemingly) notable developments. Now, it seems like we may also have been given a glimpse at the highly-anticipated superhero sequel’s launch window.

Though it currently only has a vague 2023 launch window, it seems like the game is targeting a Fall release. As spotted by @EvanFilarca on Twitter, the personal website of writer Jamie Mayer – who’s part of the game’s writing team at Insomniac – mentioned a Fall 2023 launch for the game. Mayer has since edited her website, which now only mentions a vague 2023 launch.

Recently, Insomniac Games’ community director James Stevenson seemed to be hinting at an upcoming announcement for the game with his Twitter activity. Not long afterward, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 briefly became available to wishlist on the UK PlayStation Store, though Sony quickly reverted the change, suggesting that it may have been accidentally done prematurely.

As recently as October, Insomniac said that the game’s development was proceeding well, and it was still on track to release in 2023. Whether all of this put together means we’ll be getting a concrete update on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 in the near future remains to be seen, but one would imagine that it won’t be too long before Sony is ready to share further details on what it has planned for 2023. Stay tuned for more updates.

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