Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Wants You To Be Yourself In Latest TV Commercial

A nice tease for the upcoming title.

In a week’s time we will once again be able to swing across the skies with one of the most popular superhero of all time, Spider-Man. This time around it won’t be Peter Parker, but a newer hero under the mask, Miles Morales. The game promises lots of action, alternate skins to wear and a lot of very neat optimizations for Sony’s upcoming PS5. Now we got a TV commercial that implores you to be yourself.

The spot is very brief one, only 30 seconds. It shows Miles getting knocked down for a bit before rising back up to take on the baddies. No gameplay, all CG, and not really sure what the Be Yourself thing is about, but hey, it’s good advice if you’re not a trash bag of a person.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Mile Morales will launch on November 12th for both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, but beware, the game has been confirmed to have gone out early and spoilers are corrupting the net as we speak.

Insomanic GamesMarvel's Spider-Man: Miles Moralesps4ps5sony