Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Leaked Video Shows Insanely Quick Load Times On PS5

From what appears to be a cold boot to the in-game in under 10 seconds.

Posted By | On 31st, Oct. 2020

marvel's spider-man miles morales

From the beginning of the upcoming next generation console marketing cycles, probably the biggest new feature that was hyped up was the SSDs the new systems would have. Sony, especially, seemed to design their PS5 around SSD capabilities. We’ve seen some examples of just how incredibly fast loading can be on the system, and now we have another one from the upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

A leaked video, which has since been taken down, seems to show someone who is in possession of a PS5 and has a copy of Miles Morales. He boots up the game, which only takes about 2 seconds to get to the main menu and then from there gets into the game in roughly 7 seconds. While it’s not explicitly made clear this is a cold boot, considering how it goes directly into the main menu, it most likely is. But even if this is coming from suspend it’s still incredibly fast. Loading was one of the many ways in which the PS5 version of Miles Morales was said to be optimized.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales will launch for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on November 12th, and an incredible skin based on the Into the Spider-Verse film was just revealed which you can see a demo of through here.

[Via TheSixthAxis]

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