Mass Effect 4 2014/2015 release date is inaccurate

Oh well.

Recent news suggested that BioWare reps have told website Gamer Syndrome that the next Mass Effect game will be released in “late 2014 to mid 2015.” Obviously, seeing as this is, after all, Mass Effect we’re talking about, we all got excited. However, it looks like we’ll have to…  not get excited.

An EA spokesperson has told G4TV that the release date provided for Mass Effect 4 is inaccurate and that BioWare and EA have not yet announced anything.

“At no time did EA or BioWare provide any answers to questions from Gamer Syndrome,” the spokesperson said.

Mass Effect 4 is in development- we all know that. BioWare themselves have said so time and again, even asking fans for feedback and suggestions. They’ve even announced that it’ll run on DICE’s Frostbite 2 engine. However, unfortunately, they haven’t announced the release date yet. Nothing is official.

Let’s just hope that whenever we do get the game, it’s as good as the previous entries in the series have been.

BiowareEAmass effectMass Effect 3Mass Effect 4