Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain – Chinese Localization Confirmed

The Chinese gaming demographic will be enjoying this game alongside the rest of us.

The Metal Gear Asia Facebook page has confirmed that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will indeed be receiving Chinese localization, this was then confirmed by way of a press release. Announced by the man himself, Hideo Kojima, the game will include traditional Chinese subtitles and menu text.

A Konami Digital Entertainment press release says that they are, “pleased to announce that the latest title in the Metal Gear series “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” will include Traditional Chinese subtitles and menu text!” and that the decision to include this was made based on “popular demand”.

While the games official release date still remains a complete and utter mystery to everyone, we can only hope that it’s not too far away. But with Chinese localization only being announced now, does this mean there’s still a lengthy wait ahead? It’s entirely possible and, while a disheartening possibility, I’m perfectly fine with waiting for this game. And the more people that get to experience it, the better.


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