Metal Gear Survive Footage Showcases Hacking, Slashing and Building

"Insert survival game trope here" seems to be the rallying cry for Metal Gear Survive.

Konami’s Metal Gear Survive has receive some new gameplay footage. Which may not sound all that thrilling for most fans of the Metal Gear Solid series. Regardless, check it out in the tweets below. We get a look at hacking and slashing while defending the base from “zombies” in the first clip. The second clip offers a look at the building and resource gathering that can be done.

It’sweird to see so much focus on melee combat in a Metal Gear game (aside from the insanity that is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance). Metal Gear Survive isn’t developed by series creator Hideo Kojima though and that becomes more obvious with each new gameplay clip we see.

Metal Gear Survive takes place after the events of Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes when Mother Base was destroyed. It turns out that part of the base, with some of its survivors, was swallowed into a wormhole. This led to an alternate reality full of crystal-headed zombies and the objective has become to survive.

Metal Gear Survive is in development for Xbox One, PS4 and PC and will release on February 20th 2018.

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