Metal Gear Survive New Single Player Gameplay Trailer Revealed

The trailer showcases the combat along with the crafting and construction system.

As the release date for Metal Gear Survive draws closer to its release, many fans of the series are still content with how Konami is handling the game. Now IGN has released a 6 minute single player gameplay trailer that show off some of the unique aspects of this game.

At the beginning of the trailer, the gameplay looks very similar to what we’ve seen from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The main difference is that we see the player character going up against crystalline zombies instead of enemy soldiers. Once the crafting and construction features are introduced, the game starts to show off its own unique tricks. Players can suddenly spawn gates and fences so as to stop hordes of charging zombies. These tools can also be used to gain a significant tactical advantage. Combined with some very interesting weapons, the game appears to have a unique flow as it’s played.

We’ll be able to see more soon enough as the game is set to release for PS4, Xbox One and PC on February 20 in North America and on February 22 in Europe. You can check out the trailer below.

konamiMetal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom PainMetal Gear Survivepcps4Xbox One