Metal Gear Survive Walkthrough With All Endings

A complete video walkthrough for Metal Gear Survive.

Metal Gear Survive may not be the game long-time fans of the series have wanted. In fact, it is in many ways completely unlike previous entries in the series. The game focuses more on co-op gameplay than on a single-player campaign, but there is still a campaign for you to enjoy by yourself.

In Metal Gear Survive, a whole bunch of soldiers are transported into an alternate dimension where they are faced with the threat of crystalline zombies who are out to get them. Players can take out enemies in a number of ways, and they can craft a wide range of weapons to help with the task at hand.

The building mechanics in the game also allows players to create structures which can be used to gain a strategic advantage when dealing with enemies. Although the game has nothing much to do with the series it draws its name from, you may still enjoy it for what it is on it own terms. This video walkthrough will surely be helpful if you ever feel like stuck at some point in the game.

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