Michael Pachter – PC Gamers Are Like ‘Racists’

"PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do."

Sony recently announced the launch details for the PlayStation 4 Pro a couple of weeks ago. The console will launch on November 10 for an attractive price of $399. Besides the Xbox One fan base, will the PS4 Pro also attract the PC base? Well, according to Michael Pachter from Wedbush Securities that won’t happen since PC gamers are like “racists”.

“I think PC Gamers are like racists; they only like there own kind and they have no interest in venturing out and mixing with other races. PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do,” he stated in an interview with DailyStar.

However he thinks that Xbox owners have a different mindset and they may think otherwise. “However if you were an Xbox owner and you’ve always wondered what it’s like to be a PlayStation owner, this is a great opportunity. And I think if you’re not a [next-gen] console owner at all – which would include a subset of PC users – this is the one you would buy. This [PS4 Pro] is the obvious choice.”

To be honest, I found these statements to be quite harsh. I own all three platforms and I prefer to play most of my games on the PC, however I loved console exclusives such as Uncharted 4 and I am also looking forward to Gears of War 4 on the Xbox One. Pachter’s statements here make no sense whatsoever.

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