Microsoft Announces Inside Xbox, A New Nintendo Direct Style Monthly Web-Series

First episode at 12:00pm PT on March 10.

Taking a leaf out of Nintendo’s book (and as a throwback to a previous program they used to run), Microsoft has announced Inside Xbox, a brand new Nintendo Direct style web-series that they will run on a potentially monthly schedule, with new announcements, looks at existing games, and community engagement activities.

Microsoft will attempt to broadcast new episodes on a monthly basis, and plans to go behind the scenes with developer interviews, new community events, new footage for announced games, announcements regarding Game Pass, and new announcements, period. Given how big Nintendo Direct has gotten, and how successful the format is, I am glad Microsoft has decided to revive Inside Xbox, too- now to see if they can make it as big as Direct is.

Inside Xbox’s first episode will air on March 10 at 12:00pm PT/3pm ET. You can watch it on YouTube, Mixer, Twitch, and Facebook, and you can count on GamingBolt to bring you all the latest news from it regardless as well.

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