Microsoft Cancels Post-E3 Media Briefing Round Table with Press

Because reasons.

Sour grapes or just wanting to avoid confusion? Since Microsoft revealed the Xbox One, it’s been sending mixed signals to the media about different aspects such as used games support, the emphasis on the console being a gaming machine despite the lack of games at the reveal and much more. Of course, its E3 media briefing is scheduled for June 10th, so surely it will make things clearer.

However, according to Sun Media reporter Steve Tiller, there won’t be a post-media briefing round table conference with the press.

Tilley posted the same on Twitter. “Microsoft has cancelled its E3 post-press conference roundtable with the media. He also remarked, “Not sure what to make of that.”

The post-press conference round table is usually a time when Microsoft representatives sit down with the press to field any questions and clarify anything with regards to the E3 media briefing. In other words, more information for the public.

But now it seems Microsoft wants to avoid that phase, for whatever reason. Let’s see how that works out if the June 10th briefing fails to impress like the Xbox Reveal event did.

e3 2013MicrosoftXbox One