Microsoft Confirms Its E3 Press Conference Will Be 90 Minutes Long

Length isn't everything.

E3 is almost here, and the more we hear about it, the giddier we get. It helps that so many newcomers have jumped on board – for instance, did you know that Bethesda and Square Enix will both have E3 showings this year? – but the main attraction will, as always, be the big three console manufacturers, and the brand new PC E3 press conference.

Speaking of the console manufacturers, Microsoft has clarified its E3 plans more. Specifically, they have confirmed just how long we can expect their E3 show to be. If you were worried that it would be as obscenely long as EA’s, which is announced to be two and a half hours long, don’t be- Microsoft has announced that their show will be 90 minutes long, which is still pretty long (and longer than their last few pressers), but manageable.

For more coverage on E3, stay tuned to GamingBolt. We will keep you posted.

e3 2015MicrosoftXbox One