Microsoft Looking To Buy Full New ‘Full On And Timed Exclusives’ For Xbox One – Dev

Desperately needed.

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If there’s one are where Microsoft is seriously lagging behind both Nintendo and Sony, it’s their exclusives lineup. The Xbox One doesn’t have a vast library of exclusives, and in comparison to its two console competitors, that library looks even smaller. However, if recent reports are to be believed, it seems Microsoft are actively looking to fix that issue.

The publisher, it seems, has its checkbook ready to secure both major and minor exclusives for the Xbox One, which will span across the times variety and the full-on exclusive variety. This is as per a post on the ResetERA forums by a developer working for a indie studio Flashbulb Games (developers of Trailmakers). 

“Without going into too much detail,” the post reads, “I know for sure that Microsoft have got their cheque book out and are actively seeking out both smaller and larger titles they can get as an Xbox exclusive, both timed and full on.” That’s encouraging to hear, and seems to be in line with some other recent reports that have been doing the rounds on the internet- and it’s also, without a doubt, what Microsoft and the Xbox One are desperately in need of.

That said, this isn’t official by any means, so take this with a grain of salt, and don’t treat this as any sort of a confirmation. Either way, we’ll keep you posted on any new info that comes our way, so stay tuned to GamingBolt.

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