Microsoft Wants Your Feedback for Xbox, Launches New Website

Great idea, Microsoft.

Microsoft has been trying to emulate Sony, and be more receptive to what its fanbase wants,ever since last year’s Xbox One reveal debacle- they reversed all the anti consumer DRM and policies that were embedded into the system, they unbundled the Kinect and dropped the price, they fixed a lot of issues with Xbox Live Gold- and now, they are further creating a direct channel of communication between their fans and themselves.

You see, they have launched their new Xbox Feedback website, which lets fans communicate directly with Microsoft about Xbox consoles. Currently, the top suggestions for Microsoft range from better notifications, more customization of the home screen, support for background music and voice chat, and backwards compatibility with the Xbox 360.

This is actually a great idea, and should at the very least give the fans a forum to talk about what they feel is lacking from their newest console. It will also serve to undo some of the consumer trust damage that was done last year.

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