Microsoft Working on “Big E3 Announcements”, New System Patch Released in Preview

Some major announcements are in the planning stages for the Xbox One.

The June update for Xbox One is on the way and preview members should have received the first patch for the same by now. The patch is surprisingly small, serving to offer “Small tweaks to the Party app to help us understand issues reported by the community.”

Why is the patch so small though? According to program manager Emily Hanson the preview forums, “If this month feels a little light, don’t worry – we are working on some planned *BIG* E3 announcements. In the meantime, we will be continuing to preview the items previously released to continue to get feedback and work towards making them available to everyone, so keep that feedback coming!”

It should be interesting to see what those announcements are, especially with the news that Microsoft’s E3 press conference will run for 1.5 hours. Stay tuned for more information on other features to be added in the preview phase for the June update.

e3 2015MicrosoftXbox One