Minecraft Update 14 Coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 Soon

And along with it comes a carrot on a stick. Which is exactly what it sounds like.

Title upgrade 14 for Minecraft on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is now completed and currently undergoing certification processes at Microsoft and Sony; it is set to introduce a slew of changes and additions to the game.

The new update adds invisibility to the game, along with night vision, tripwire, a carrot on the stick (which is… exactly what it sounds like?), an enchanted book, new slabs, blocks and ore from materials such as emerald and nether quartz; also included are new recipes, new zombie villagers mobs, new villager professions and a new terrain generation process.

The full list is actually fairly long- you can check it out at Minecraft’s official forums should you be so inclined to– but it is good that the console versions of the game are being treated so seriously, and get these updates (which, of course they would, considering the PS3 version has sold a million copies already, and the Xbox 360 version a staggering 10 million copies).

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