Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Available on June 2nd for EA/Origin Access

Enter Faith's world early (and for roughly six hours).

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be out in the first week of June but it’s possible to play the game earlier if you’re a subscriber for EA Access on Xbox One or Origin Access on PC.

The open world first person runner will be available on June 2nd but it will be a limited time trial. Also, unlike previous trials which usually give players 10 hours to play the game, you’ll only have six for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.

Regardless of whether it’s because DICE doesn’t want you finishing the story (and not buying the full game), there will also be a large open world to explore containing collectibles, side missions and player-made courses to run through.

Releasing on June 7th in North America and June 9th in Europe for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has seen a fair number of delays over the past few months. How will the end result pan out? Stay tuned for more information.

DICEEAEA AccessMirror's Edge CatalystOrigin Accesspcps4Xbox One