Mirror’s Edge Catalyst New Information Posted On Game’s Website

Rise against the Conglomerate.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is the unlikely follow up to the cult hit first person platformer by DICE from last generation. As we near its release, EA and DICE are sharing more and more information on it. The game’s official website was just updated today, and we managed to learn a lot more about it as a result (not to mention all the great screens and art we got to see!)

Generally, the story this time appears to be the same as it was in the first game- Faith lost her family in the November riots, and will rise up against the Conglomerate. The setting seems to be largely the same, too, although the layout will probably have changed substantially.

You can check out the story details on the website for yourself. Meanwhile, we’ve taken some of the best screens and images from there, and added them to the end of the post. You can check them out there.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst launches in May on the Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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