Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Will Focus On Something That Is Grounded In Reality

DICE dev thinks the narrative will hit home with players.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is coming next month and EA and DICE are wanting to make sure people realize that the game is about more than hopping from one building to another. Lead Producer Amo Mostofi recently sat down with Examiner.com and told the website the developers have worked hard to base the plot of the game in something that is tied to real life.

In terms of the type of story, there were a number of things we looked at,” said Mostafi, “In terms of the story, we knew we wanted to focus on something that was grounded in reality and something people could actually draw parallels to in real life.”

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is going to be coming to the Xbox One, PS4 and PC on June 7, 2016 but will be available through EA Access five days before its worldwide release date and will give subscribers six hours of gameplay.

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