Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Won’t Have Any Gun Play

The awkwardness of gun battles in the first game played a role in the decision to do away with guns in Catalyst.

The original Mirror’s Edge was a game that was based on escaping from situations using Parkour more than fighting your way out with guns. Now DICE has decided that there won’t be any guns in this second game called Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.

The developer has said that one of the reasons this second game won’t have any gun battles at all is because it was handled so awkwardly in the first game.

“In Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, you won’t be using any guns at all,” senior producer Sara Jansson told Polygon at E3. “We’ve completely removed that aspect of the game. You can’t even pick them up.” Rachel will now have to work on taking down enemies using her acrobatics and combat techniques.

This also means that no one is going to be dying in this newest game. DICE has also said that the way you will be able to carry out combat is going to be based more on flow than anything else. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is coming to the Xbox One, PS4 and PC on February 23, 2016.

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