Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Opening Cinematic showcases jaw dropping CG

Stars monsters, monsters and even bigger monsters.

Capcom has just released the opening cinematic for their soon to be released expansion for Monster Hunter 3. Have a look for yourself.

The Monster Hunter series is undeniably one of Capcom’s most prominent IPs this generation, especially in Japan where the game has achieved cult status. So it’s no surprise that the publisher is ready to invest massive sums of money in the franchise, as evident in the stupendous CG showcased in the trailer. Earlier this week, the publisher stated that they are doing their best to push the series to a mass audience in the west.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will be hitting the WiiU and 3DS on March 19th in the US, and on the 22nd in Europe. The WiiU version will be the first entry in the series to run at HD resolution, which goes all the way up to 1080p Let us know what you think of the trailer below.

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