Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Demo is Now Live, Includes Astalos and Malzeno Hunts

Try out the new Skills and Switch Skill Swap feature, or try your luck against Malzeno, the new Elder Dragon, ahead of the expansion's launch.

If you’re keen on trying out Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak before it launches later this month, a free demo is now available on Nintendo Switch and Steam. It includes seven quests – three of them are training-focused, teaching players about Wirebugs, Wyvern Riding the new Switch Skill Swap.

The others are hunts, including Great Izuchi (Beginner), Tetranadon (Intermediate), Astalos (Expert) and Malzeno (Advanced). The difficulty for the Malzeno hunt will be very high, so unless you’re super-comfortable with the mechanics, it may be worth sticking to the others. As such, there’s no limit on the number of tries for each Hunt.

You’re provided with curated loadouts for each weapon type as well. If anything feels significantly underpowered, that’s by design. Content in the demo may differ from the final game so keep that in mind.

Monster Hunt Rise: Sunbreak is out on June 30th for Nintendo Switch and PC. For more details from the Capcom Showcase, like the return of Gore Magala and post-launch monsters, head here.

capcomMonster Hunter RiseMonster Hunter Rise: Sunbreaknintendo switchpc