Ken Wong, who served as the lead designer for the critically acclaimed Monument Valley, has a new game coming out called Florence. This indie title focuses on a young woman who experiences the so-called highs and lows of falling in love.
Announced last year, Florence has a rather appropriate release date for iOS – it’s out on Valentine’s Day or February 14th for iOS. Pre-orders are currently open and the game itself costs $2.99. Wong’s studio Mountains will be published by Annapurna Interactive and as the name indicates, it focuses on Florence Yeoh.
She meets a cello player named Krish and love blossoms. How this plays out over their daily interactions with vignettes and mini-games remains to be seen. Apparently Florence takes inspiration from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and (500) Days of Summer which gives us a sense of foreboding given how those movies turned out.
Still, coming from the lead designer of Monument Valley means that Florence definitely warrants a look. What are your thoughts on the game? Let us know below.