More Exclusives, Exclusive DLC, and Franchise Reboots Coming to Xbox One, Says Phil Harrison

'Expect more exclusives like Titanfall.'

Microsoft is aggressively pursuing exclusive content for the Xbox One in an attempt to appeal to gamers; this exclusive content has taken the form of full fledged traditional exclusives, exclusive DLC, and reboots of old beloved franchises, such as Killer Instinct. Now VG247 reports that there is more- much more than that, if Microsoft executive Phil Harrison is to be believed.

“We haven’t even launched yet but rest assured we’re already planning more great stuff to ensure Xbox continues to raise the bar,” he said.

“So expect more mega franchises like FIFA, with Xbox exclusive content. Expect more exclusives titles like Titanfall. Expect more epics like Halo and Call of Duty. Expect more games reimagined for Xbox One such as Fable Legends. And expect the most immersive, new generation gameplay with multiplayer and innovations like Kinect and SmartGlass which make your experience way more fun and authentic than it could have been before.”

Exclusive content has been something Microsoft has traditionally been lacking in, the first three years of the Xbox 360 notwithstanding. We’ll see if Microsoft’s strategy is sustainable in the long run.

MicrosoftXbox One