My Friend Pedro Rated In Europe For PS4

The fantastic shooter could be coming to Sony's console soon.

A masked man, with a talking, floating banana as his best friend, spins through the air in ballet-like motions, shooting up bad guys left and right as he fights for his life. If you don’t know what I’m talking about there, you very well may have missed out on one of the best games of last year. And that game could be coming to PS4 soon.

My Friend Pedro originally released in June 2019 for Switch and PC, as well as Xbox One and Game Pass in December of the same year. The Pan European Game Information (PEGI) board recently also rated it for the PS4, indicating the game could also be making its way there relatively soon.

My Friend Pedro was a major success for Devolver Digital and developers DeadToas Entertainment, already selling half million copies sold by October of last year. The game is available now for Xbox One, Switch, and PC, and hopefully soon on PS4 soon.

DeadToast EntertainmentDevolver DigitalMy Friend Pedrops4