Naughty Dog: We Have A Release Date for the PS4 Version of The Last of Us

But they're not telling us what it is just yet.

For, what is after all is said and done, just a remastered re-release of a game that released less than a year ago (albeit admittedly to great critical acclaim), there seems to be a lot of excitement and hype around Naughty Dog’s upcoming release of The Last of Us Remastered, the definitive edition of the title that also brings it to Sony’s newest console, the PS4. So much so, that the release date of the game (which, it is to be remembered, just released less than a year ago, and is in plentiful supply at any game store) itself is highly anticipated.

The Last of Us director Bruce Straley flat out said, “We have a release date,” on his Twitter when talking about the game, without actually revealing when it comes out.

The release date, it is to be presumed, will be revealed at Sony’s E3 press conference, which is on Monday, 6PM PT. Amusingly enough, this would make it the second year straight that the Last of Us will be shown off at Sony’s presser… both times as a new release.

e3 2014Naughty Dogps4sonythe last of us