Necropolis Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough of Necropolis.

Necropolis is the brand new action RPG that Harebrained Schemes just launched for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC- it’s a pretty interesting premise, having players explore a city of the dead, fending off waves of the dead as the player constantly shifts and changes the makeup of the city around them, while attempting to learn sorcery.

It’s a game that’s easy to get stuck or easy to get lost in- hey, it happens to the best of us, okay? But if you happen to find yourself in that number, you don’t need to worry, or feel any shame: that’s what this guide is here for. The video below is a full video walkthrough for Necropolis, so it will always be there to show you the way. Just be mindful and cognizant of the fact that it has spoilers, so if you would rather go into the game blind, you may not want to watch it.

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