Need for Speed Payback Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough for Need for Speed Payback.

For some reason, Need for Speed Payback has an open world and a cinematic story mode. Assuredly, EA does not believe that there is a market for racing games anymore- and so, it’s gone ahead and spiced Payback up with two of the hottest “buzzing trends” in the market at the moment (open world and microtransactions).

The end result is that we are left with a story mode in a racing game, because that’s just the kind of world we live in now. But hey, the cinematic story is… fun? I mean, in a dumb action move kind of way. So okay, maybe you don’t want to play it. But you do want to see what it is about. Or maybe you are playing it, but somehow, you got yourself stuck in a game it should not be possible to get stuck in at all.

You need a walkthrough. And we’ll give it to you. Just… be mindful of spoilers and stuff, okay?

EAGhost GamesNeed for Speed PaybackNeed for Speed Payback endingNeed for Speed Payback walkthroughpcps4Xbox One