New Everquest Next Trailer Shows Off A Pretty Artstyle

It looks lovely.

Sony announced the next Everquest game a few months ago, and while the jury is still out on whether or not it is the next step in the evolution of MMORPGs as it was hyped, but it sure does look pretty, especially in this newest trailer.

Sure, it lacks the charm and the character that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, but it does look pleasing to the eye (although what it has in artstyle it sure seems to lack in technical prowess). Also, it is to be remembered that unlike A Realm Reborn, which is a completed and released game, Everquest Next is still pretty early in its development.

Everquest Next will be the next evolution in the long running, pioneering MMORPG franchise. Developed and published by Sony Online Entertainment, it will be coming to PC sometime next year. No PS4 version has been announced unlike fellow SOE developed Planetside 2.

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