New Final Fantasy 15 Screenshots Appear Online

They look gorgeous.

New screenshots of the massively anticipated Square Enix title, Final Fantasy XV, have made their way onto the boundless waves of the internet where they have made the Final Fantasy Community collectively draw in one massive breath.

Now it’s no secret that Final Fantasy XV is going to be an utterly gorgeous game to view, but only now do I sense a real weight behind it. There’s something to these pictures, a certain je ne sais quoi, that lends them an atmosphere that has previously been absent in what was shown. Especially the image that appears to be [spoilers ahead] taking place on one of the trains you can use to travel. It looks as though it’s being wrecked by a blizzard of some sort.

As always, I’m going to remind you to try your best and to get into the Demo of Final Fantasy XV as its availability is limited and you’re most likely going to want to experience it for yourself.

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