New Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Trailer Shows Us How Worlds Connect

I am starting a protest against that name.

Okay, first of all, I am taking a stand against that name. Like, what the hell, Square Enix? I seriously thought that, after Infinite Undiscovery and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, your names couldn’t get any worse, but this really takes the cake. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why is it so long and unwieldy? Why is ReMIX randomly capitalized? 

Okay, with that rant out of the way, if you are a Kingdom Hearts fan (I am not), and are looking forward to the second collection of remastered Kingdom Hearts games that should catch you up before the release of Kingdom Hearts III next year (I am not), then I guess this trailer for 2.5 HD ReMIX, which launches next month only on Playstation 3, should be right up your alley.

It shows us how ‘worlds connect’ and it delivers on a healthy dose of nostalgia for those of you who played the game ten years ago and actually liked it (I didn’t).

Stay tuned for more coverage.

Kingdom Hearts 3Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIXps3Square Enix