New Portal 2 DLC campaign releases next week

Portal 2 getting another bunch of missions for you to enjoy.

Portal 2’s In Motion DLC is about to get released for the PS3 via PSN next week. Sony’s announced the DLC will release on November 14, coming Wednesday, at a price of £7.99 / €9.99, alongside the PS Store update.

PS Plus members can buy the game at a 30 per cent discount.

The DLC adds motion controls to Portal 2, along with a few extra playable hours. The new test chambers that this DLC adds to Portal 2 “look familiar from Portal 2 but require new thinking to solve” according to director of product marketing at Sixense Entertainment, Josh Bays (via EU PlayStation Blog).

A patch for the game will also be released on Wednesday.

“The patch will provide a touch of the motion experience provided by Sixense,” says Bays, “but while the original Portal 2 campaigns will be fully playable with PlayStation Move, only the Portal 2 In Motion DLC features the gameplay mechanics and original campaign designed by Sixense specifically for motion.”

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