New PS3 SKUs are not what you think

The two rumored PS3 SKUs CECH-2101A and CECH-2101B were supposedly filed to the FCC by Sony.

The “Sand Dollar Enterprise, Inc” Which also revealed the 250GB PS3 Slim, uncovered the CECH-2101A and CECH-2101B, And the FCC stated that the only difference between the two is the HDD type.

Everyone was thinking that these will probably feature a bigger HDD or a better Wi-Fi, but that ain’t gonna happen according to PS3News.

The unknown SKU

“We’re not sure why Sony is passing two new PS3 Slims through the FCC. The wireless specs on the new PS3 Slims include 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth – nothing new there.We’re guessing that maybe Sony found a new manufacturer for some of its wireless components, and was forced to pass the PS3 Slim through the FCC again.”

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