New workaround for checking next week’s PS Plus titles

Time travel!


Seems like Sony always forgets to think about the small things. Turns out, if you set the clock on your PS3 or PS Vita one week forward, you will be able to see which games PlayStation Plus will be offering at that time.

Next week, US gamers will be offered NBA Jam On Fire Edition and Cronovolt (Vita) for free, and games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Sound Shapes, Bulletstorm and Skull Girls are going to be 50% off.

Those are all pretty good deals, especially the games that are half off. Especially Deus Ex.

It often happens to you look forward to what games PS Plus will be offering in the coming weeks, and those games turn out to be utter crap, so this is a good thing for PS3 owners, until such time Sony fixes this.

It’s a surprise that there’s such a simple workaround in place to begin with, Sony should really start thinking of all possible loopholes, no matter how stupid or tiny they may be.

Not that we’re complaining, this one’s actually completely harmless and good for us PS3 owners.


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