Ninja Theory would’ve done Heavenly Sword 2

According to the Ninja Theory studio boss Tameem Antoniades, Ninja Theory would’ve done Heavenly Sword 2 instead of Enslave if it wasn’t for Sony, which own the Heavenly Sword IP. Ninja Theory wanted to go multiplatform due to the lack of sales from Heavenly Sword 2.

“I don’t know if Sony made any money on Heavenly Sword but we didn’t,” he said.

“There are pros and cons, if you’re exclusive you get more attention but when you’re multi-platform, at this stage in the cycle, there’s more competition. You’ve got to weigh it against each other,”

“But we couldn’t do Heavenly Sword 2 as a multi-platform because it’s owned by Sony, the tech we developed for that game is also owned by Sony.” he added.

“But there’s a different dynamic with a platform holder. I mean, we signed up and we happy to sign up to it because it allowed our studio to grow and we’re really grateful for that, but it feels like as a studio we need to think about the next few years, the next games we release.

“We want them to be multi-platform so we had to come up with a new idea.”

Well, it doesn’t look like Heavenly Sword 2 will ever be developed.

Enslaved is due for release sometime in October of 2010.


Heavenly Sword 2NewsNinja Theorysony