Nintendo Direct Allegedly Set for September – Rumour

A prominent leaker claims that Nintendo has a Direct presentation scheduled for September.

Nintendo decided to skip its traditional June Direct presentation this year, instead choosing to make multiple individual announcements and presentations around that time, but it seems that the coming months will bring them back on schedule.

In recent years, we have generally seen Nintendo Direct presentations every September, and it seems that will be the case in 2022 as well. That’s according to prominent Nintendo leaker NateTheHate, who recently took to Twitter and claimed that Nintendo does indeed have a Direct planned for sometime next month.

As for what could be shown at the event, the Japanese company has a number of major games coming up for the Nintendo Switch, including Bayonetta 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s sequel, while leaks have also mentioned remasters for Kid Icarus: Uprising and Metroid Prime

Of course, a Direct hasn’t yet been officially announced yet, so take all this with a grain of salt for now.

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