Nintendo NX Controller Leaks Confirmed To Be Fake

Back to square one...

This week has been a busy one for Nintendo fans, as we received not one, but two purported leaks of the controller for the elusive console. The leaks show a controller that seems unlike anything we have yet seen- it’s an all touch screen based controller, with just two analog sticks and shoulder triggers, substituting haptic virtual buttons for real ones.

It’s a marked departure from everything we have seen so far, so naturally, reactions to it have been strong- however, it seems that all of those reactions were wasted, as both the ‘leaks’ were confirmed to be fakes. The very first ‘leak’ was done by a Redditer, who posted video about how he manufactured the leak. The second leak was created by a NeoGAF poster, who went the whole hog and used a 3D printer to create an actual prototype for the controller based on the patent design, as well as the first leak, lending both leaks credence in the process.

In the end, though, both leaks were fake, and we are back to square one- we don’t know what the NX is, nor what its controller will be like.

We do know one thing, though- whatever it is, it will probably have buttons!

NintendoNintendo NX