Nintendo President Doesn’t Believe Large-Scale Acquisitions Will Benefit the Company

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has reiterated his previous stance of acquisitions, and how the company will approach them.

While Sony and Microsoft have been busy in the last few weeks (and months) with their respective acquisitions of big-name studios, one company that has been silent throughout this wave is Nintendo. While the Japanese gaming giant has enjoyed incredible success with the Switch, with the hybrid console having sold 103.54 million units worldwide, many have been curious if the company is looking to enter what has become an acquisitions race.

In a recent earnings call, Nintendo’s president Shuntaro Furakawa explained that for now, the company doesn’t have anything lined up where acquisitions are concerned (via Bloomberg).

He said: “Our brand was built upon products crafted with dedication by our employees, and having a large number of people who don’t possess Nintendo DNA in our group would not be a plus to the company.”

Previously, Furakawa has taken a similar view on acquisitions, though has also stated that Nintendo could acquire companies if they “need to respond to rapidly advancing technological innovation.”

Meanwhile, analyst Dr. Serkan Toto also believes that Nintendo is unlikely to be interested in any of the big publishers out there.

Toto said: “I really have a hard time imagining which of the big ones they could even be interested in buying. Nintendo will always stay Nintendo. The company has always relied on first-party games, and I don’t see any reason why they should change.”

Regardless, it seems that for now, Nintendo is more focused on building memorable games and worlds for people to enjoy and spend their time in.

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