Nintendo Shares Rise After Successful Switch Launch

So far, so good...

The Nintendo Switch appears to be a largely successful launch so far- while we don’t have the exact numbers for now (we shall have to wait for those, I imagine), what we do have seem to be encouraging early indications. And it looks like this successful launch is calming the usually antsy Nintendo investors down a bit.

In the lead up to the system’s launch, the company’s shares had taken a beating, owing to concerns about the system’s market viability. Since launch, however, it seems like that has changed- Bloomberg reports that the company’s shares have seen significant gains on the Japanese stock exchange since the Switch’s launch, and that they continue to trend upwards ever since. Overall, the shares have gained over 4%, making this the highest they have been in over a month, and also wiping out the losses from Nintendo’s Switch presentation.

This means that investors seem to have some confidence that the Switch will do well in the market. Will Nintendo be able to sustain this momentum, however? That is something that remains to be seen.

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