Nintendo Switch Online Arrives in “Second Half” of September

Nintendo narrows down the launch window for its dedicated online service.

Aside from mentioning the launch month, Nintendo hadn’t really provided any indication of when Switch Online, its paid online service for the hybrid console, would be going live. Thanks to recent tweet from Nintendo of America, we now know that it will be in the “second half” of September. So start counting down the days for free online play – they’re effectively numbered (unless you enjoy free to play titles).

Retailing for $20 per year, Nintendo Switch Online will allow online play for titles like ARMS, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and, of course, the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It will offer access to cloud saves and a collection of classic NES titles which have been tooled for online play. Some of these titles include Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, Ice Climber, Dr. Mario, and so on.

A family plan for Nintendo Switch Online is also available for $35 per year with support for up to 8 Nintendo Accounts, even if they’re spread across different consoles. This will allow multiple accounts to obtain the benefits of the subscription.

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