No Man’s Sky Atlas Rising Guide: How To Start The Story Mode And Join Friends For Online Co-op

A guide to help you access some of the new content in No Man's Sky: Atlas Rising.

Almost a year after launch, Hello Games have delivered the Atlas Rising update for No Man’s Sky, bringing it tantalizingly close to being the game that they promised to the world, the promise that made the entire industry fall in love with it. The new update brings a whole host of updates to the game- but the chief and primary additions here are the new story content, as well as the multiplayer, both of which had been promised to players originally, but which were missing in the game upon launch.

If you want to see what that story and multiplayer are like for yourself, if you want to access this new content for yourself, we’re here in this guide to tell you exactly how to do so.


  • Build the Hyperdrive
  • Jump to different star systems
  • You will get the transmission unlocking the first Awakening mission

That’s it- you just need to travel a bit to unlock the mission.


  • Players who are in the exact same spot will show up in each other’s game (as simulation ‘glitches’), up to 16 at a time, who can explore together
  • There is no form of communication allowed (though you can use VOIP as long as you are within a certain distance of each other)
  • You cannot affect terrain as long as you are in co-op
  • Bases and planets can be explored with friends.
  • Find the planetary portal to learn the mysterious language of portals, and share passcodes with friends and strangers
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