One Handed Xbox One Controller Created By Modder

Ben Heck's latest creation.

Earlier today Ben Heck, a well-known and console modder, debuted his latest mod: The one-handed Xbox One controller. The intent of this new single-handed controller is to allow disabled gamers who may only have the use of one hand to still be able to enjoy Xbox One games.

An in depth look at the new controller will take place on Ben’s show The Ben Heck Show, which airs on element14 this Friday.

The controller itself has a custom left-trigger on the back next to the battery pack. According to Heck the design is meant for right-handed people, as they comprise the largest demographic of the controller’s demand. Heck has yet to comment on whether or not there will be a left-handed design.

Stay tuned to Gamingbolt to find out more about this on Friday.

Ben HeckMicrosoftXbox LiveXbox One