Orbit: A New PlayStation Mini Incoming

Laughing Jackal, the developer of OMG-Z, Cubixx HD and the PlayStation conversions of Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson’s Fighting Fantasy series, have revealed the name of their latest PlayStation Mini as being Orbit.

“Help Doc, the Institute of Space Research Institute’s last remaining astronaut, as he explores the Solar System in as many different space “ships” as the ISRI can cobble together.

You’ll need to survey the gas giant Jupiter, probe the blackest depths of Uranus and collect all the gold ore you can find to fill Prof’s bank account, err… I mean revive the failing space program. To aid you, Prof has planned out upgrades for 8 of your ships to help separate you from your cash, err… sorry, I mean to improve your flight capabilities, enabling you to circumnavigate all the planets of the Solar System before travelling further into the universe.”

Stay tuned to GamingBolt.com for more news and updates.

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