Overwatch 2 – Season 3 Trailer Showcases Battle Pass Skins, One Punch Man Collab, and More

New skins for Reaper, Moira and Junkrat are included in the Battle Pass with Amaterasu Kiriko when the new season launches February 7th.

The first trailer for Overwatch 2: Season 3 is now available, highlighting new cosmetics, events and even special collab. It starts on February 7th, with Amaterasu Kiriko being the new Mythic Skin.

Like previous Mythic Skins, there are several variations of colors, hairstyles and outfits. Other heroes like Moira, Junkrat and Reaper will receive skins as part of the Battle Pass, while new skins for Ashe, Zenyatta, D.Va, Genji and Mei are available in the store. The new events include Ultimate Valentine from February 14th to 28th, which seemingly rewards the new Cupid Hanzo skin.

However, the highlight is the Overwatch 2 x One Punch Man collab that runs from March 7th to April 6th and features Doomfist as Saitama. The Overwatch World Cup returns in February, and other new skins for Mercy, Cassidy, Sigma, Junker Queen, Wrecking Ball, and Sombra are also coming. Stay tuned for patch notes from Season 3 before it goes live tomorrow.

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