Pachter On His PC Players Quote – The Reporting Was Irresponsible

Update: Michael Pachter sets the record straight.

Update: Michael Pachter reached out to GamingBolt and provided a statement that sheds light on the situation. You can find his statement below. We have accordingly updated the original article.

“While the term “racist” is an emotionally loaded one, in the context used, it should not have been.  I definitely didn’t say PC gamers hate people of different races from them; rather, the irresponsible reporter correctly reported that I said it in the context of explaining that PC gamers feel they are superior to console gamers.  I definitely believe that, and the appropriate term is probably “elitist” (I wish I had chosen that term).  However, in the context of a ten minute conversation where the interviewer clearly didn’t understand what I was saying (or where he was looking to bait me), I used the analogy “racist” by saying PC gamers didn’t like people who were not PC gamers.  I certainly didn’t mean that they hate people without PCs, as is clear from the context; rather, I meant that they think they’re better than console gamers, period.”

Original Story:

Yesterday report from DailyStar stirred up the internet. When asked whether the PlayStation 4 Pro will appeal to the PC player base, Michael Pachter reportedly stated that PC gamers are like “racists” and “arrogant twits” so the new Sony console won’t appeal to them. However in a recent post on Neogaf, Michael Pachter has alleged that it was “irresponsible” reporting on the website’s part.

“I’ve never used the word “twit” in my life. I absolutely used the term racist, but only upon being questioned repeatedly about what I meant when I called PC gamers insular.  The reporting here was irresponsible. I’ve done 6000 interviews over the last 15 years (we’re required to log them), and somehow, have been able to hide my bigoted side until today…I’m not sure what the “reporter” was trying to do, other than stir the pot. Yes, I said that the PS4 Pro probably wouldn’t appeal to PC gamers, The rest is just silly,” he stated on Neogaf.

We will keep you updated as this builds.


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