Pachter: Used games vital, Industry will disintegrate otherwise

Industry analyst Michael Pachter has his own show at Gametrailers called Pach Attack, and there he speaks about vital issues that the readers ask him. One such issue popped up was about used games and whether it was vital to the Industry or not.

Pachter’s stance was quite pleasing to see, and this is what he said: “I think the industry will disintegrate; I think there will be no more video games if next-gen consoles don’t support used games. You hear that, Sony and Microsoft? You have to support used games.”

He also mentioned why Sony would be against the idea of blocking used games on their console.

“Why would the next-gen consoles not support used games? Sony doesn’t sell that much software; maybe 10% of sales are Sony products. Everything else, the other 90%, is third-party. Sony isn’t going to help its overall sales that much – let’s go with 1%, 2%,” he said.

“What does it actually cost [publishers] if people trade in used games and some people buy used games instead of new games? My guess is 5% of software sales, probably.

“Because most people don’t finish new games in a week. Most people take thrtee weeks to a month to finish games. Not everybody buys a game the first day. You probably don’t get that many games traded in; in reality about 40% of games get traded back in.”

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Thanks, VG247.

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